Saturday, 6 July 2013

Learning market Liberian English

Liberians have some very different Fruit and veggies then what we are used to. An avocado is a butter pear. The white seed is a cola nut and is used to form agreements when there are disputes or our equivalent of a hand shake or contract. I'm told its a stimulant and not for children. Ashley took three bites and was hyper.  Older people will keep it in their pocket and nibble on it during the day. The white cola is rare. They call okra lady fingers. Their eggplant is green not purple.  That threw me off while cooking. I thought it wasnt ripe. The small round veggie is called bitter ball and is used for soup.
Liberian vegetables
Edo is like a root - similar to a purple potato. Bananas are the small ones and the large ones are plantains. Plantain is not sweet  but they love to fry it and make chips.

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