Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Overloaded pick up truck and a monkey?

The road from Baffu Bay to Monrovia was brutal.  It's 206 miles - I looked it up online but it took 12 hours!  The road was horrible and its rainy season.  Paul drove the Toyota Tundra and lost both lower floodlights in mud puddles.  The Land Cruiser with Cozz, Ashley and Levi fished one out of the muck. Logging trucks have torn up the road.  There were many bridges and swamps along the way as well. We suspect this is why there was not a road this route when Paul was younger.   I will add that the road from Bucannon to Monrovia was beautifully paved - by the Chinese.  We were thankful when we hit that part.
As we were driving along we came across several of these overloaded pick up taxis.  This one I tried to get while leaning to the right navigating a mud puddle.  I was shocked one man was on the side of the truck trying to push the side to balance it.  I have no idea what his plan was if the truck tipped over.  I doubt he could have jumped out of the way fast enough.
As we passed the truck I spotted a monkey on top.  We flagged down the driver and told him he had a hitch hiker.  It was a pet!
The owner put the monkey down for the kids to see.  He wouldn't take food but enjoyed a drink of water.
Liberian monkey.  Sadly we saw another one if these monkeys being sold as bush meat (to eat) in a village further along the trail.

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